Delightful Dissent - Ep. 13 - Feeling ambivalent is a sign of trouble?

With Patricia von Papstein

Recorded live at 05:00 PM on Monday 08 February 2021

Feeling ambivalent is a sign of trouble

The best leaders are completely certain about their vision. If you’re not 100% sure then something is wrong. Conflicting feelings and paradoxical thoughts prevent us from succeeding. But what if clinging to directness confuses instead of clarifies? What is stopping us from enjoying our incongruity?

In this episode my guest is Patricia von Papstein. We’ll be exploring the assumption that “feeling ambivalent is a sign of trouble”. We'll look at how we can decipher and play with mixed emotions. We'll explore their role as a subtle driver of innovation and change. We’ll see if it’s possible to resolve emotional discord and play a different tune.

Patricia is a business lady, a clinical and organizational psychologist. She invests in and mentors start-ups that focus their products and services on emotional wealth creation.

She has a podcast called "Bliss to Business!" where she reimagines a more utopian business world, zeroing in on current stereotypes and doctrines. (In German).

Sensitive to the pressure the corona pandemia brings to leaders, she has designed an ad hoc service offer for emotional bravehearts in the business community: